Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 6 - Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is this week's topic.
1) It is defined as placing two or more variables and combine it together.
2) It usually defines an event of something and what must be done. The brain will relate the current situation with something that others commonly do or could do it differently than others, vice-versa.
3) Bottom line, juxtaposition is something literary, synonymous with contrast, that has a connection with something else (has a partner), that oppose one another.

It's raining but I'm not taking my umbrella
Here we can say that 'raining' is an event and usually when it rains people will think about 'umbrella', common sense. The brain triggers our common sense that suits the event taking place.
But this time, the obvious thing should be done is done otherwise. This is what we call Juxtaposition.

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