Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 7 - Juxtaposition 2.0

The usage of metaphor and simile is practically almost the same. Both is a figure of speech where two objects are link however they are two separated and different to one another. One rule must be applied that is obvious comparison don't count as metaphor or simile. Imaginative ways that connect both item to agree on one thing is than called metaphor. The only difference between metaphor and simile is that metaphor doesn't consist the word 'like' however simile has.
A metaphor type sentence:-
Life is a box of chocolate,you will never know what you will get!
(The Movie: “Forest Gum”)

A simile type sentence:-
Life is like a maze in which you try to avoid the exit.
( From: Roger von Oech’s A Whack on the Side of the Head )

This time, we have to come with affected analogies that are brings up emotion towards something that resembles such situation.
Here are the situation and my answers...

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain”

Pain is like an ice cream. They'll keep on stacking one on another. But they'll sooner or later will melt away and mostly forgotten.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

Life is like a candle. It's it gets shorter you'll soon run out of it.

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”

Chillies have some characteristics of love. There both is somewhat addictive to some people. But too much of it could hurt yourself.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 6 - Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is this week's topic.
1) It is defined as placing two or more variables and combine it together.
2) It usually defines an event of something and what must be done. The brain will relate the current situation with something that others commonly do or could do it differently than others, vice-versa.
3) Bottom line, juxtaposition is something literary, synonymous with contrast, that has a connection with something else (has a partner), that oppose one another.

It's raining but I'm not taking my umbrella
Here we can say that 'raining' is an event and usually when it rains people will think about 'umbrella', common sense. The brain triggers our common sense that suits the event taking place.
But this time, the obvious thing should be done is done otherwise. This is what we call Juxtaposition.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 5 - Research Outcome

Our assignment was based on mortar and pestle. We have to come imaginative ways to of what people from the future would think what is mortar and pestle. But before we can come out with crazy ideas, lets keep track with the facts. So here is my research outcome.

Early ancient times, primitive metate grinding slabs were used to mix and grind various plants to make mostly medicine. The grinding slab was then as simple as a rock with various size of holes. These different hole sizes help determine the quantity needed to make certain medicine. As time pass by the grinding slab gradually evolved to the item which we know to day as the mortar and pestle.

Mortar and pestle were intentionally made for medicine purposes where they can grind various herbs and plants to prepare traditional treatment. The mortar and pestle, along with other essential stuff were then symbolized as pharmacological items. In the pharmaceutical industry, the mortar is made out of porcelain, while the handle of the pestle is made of wood. It was called as the Wedgwood mortar and pestle founded in 1779. The process of mixing, grinding and or reducing the size of the food or ingredients is known as saturation. Other than preparing of food or preparation for insulation, it is also used to grind up pills to decrease the time usage of pills absorption in the digestion system.

Mortar used to pulverize plant material.
Mortar are used as cooking preparation material, to pound and grind ingredients in using pestle. It's usually used to grind spices into powder. There are many kind of version and one is the molcajete version. this version is used by pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican cultures including the Aztec and Maya. In Mexico, Mexican mortar and pestle that were made of basalt and was commonly known and used for cooking intentions.

On the west side of this planet, native Americans bedrock carved mortars to grind acorns and other types of nuts. While the eastern side, the Japanese use large sized mortars with wooden mallets to prepare mochi. The Japanese use regular size ones too which are called suribachi and surikogi. In Southeast Asia, India and Pakistan, mortar and pestle is made out of granite and it is used commonly to mix up the ingredients to form many handmade dishes until today. The Mortar is known as 'Lesung' in the Malay language which measures up to two or three feet. Wooden pestle used in Middle East are usually to grind meat, kibbeh known as masabcha.

The usage of mortar and pestle gradually decreases as mechanical grinders were made such as the blender. Though it is used for traditional purposes such as the Hindus where they use it crush turmeric for wedding purposes.

Mortar and pestle must be made by hard substance so that they'll be strong enough to crush the ingredients and so that they'll last longer. The surface of the pestle and the inner part of the mortar should be cohesive so that the ingredients won't stick or mix with it.

Whatever was made previously shall leave a mark. This effect will add a great taste when it comes to preparing other foods. While making medication, the previous content will contaminating with the current ingredient.

When trying to grind substance to very fine powders, it requires a mortar and pestle made out of rough ceramic. But the effects of it is that easily stained and are brittle.

Mortar and pestle are made but many types of material.

-Porcelain mortars are good when it comes to give a good rougher surface to reduce the size of the food particles but with the help of grinding sands.
-Mortars and pestles made from glass are stain resistance. They are most suitable when comes to mixing liquids. But they're are fragile and don't grind finely like ceramic.
-When it comes to grinding salt and pepper, wooden mortar and pestle are the ones to count on. They are made from old grape vine wood.
-Mortar and pestle made from molcajete needs to be seasoned first before it is used. They are also other material that follows the same procedure, mostly made from stone.
-Metal mortars are kept lightly oiled.

This research was brought to you by Wikipedia. Your not-so expert research friend :P

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 4 - Mindmap

This week we were lectured about ways of thinking.

There are two types of thinking, one is the ‘Convergent’ way of thinking, and the other is ‘Divergent’.
Convergent way of thinking is pretty much taken by almost all kinds of people. Convergent thinking is done by thinking straight forwardly or their thinking doesn’t tend to diverge far away from the main idea. These kinds of idea are okay but nowadays ideas like these are mostly considered common clichés.

The divergent thinking process is a must mostly for creative people. The divergent way of thinking consists of creating more creative ideas. Brainstorming and playing around with the problems involved in a certain situation is the divergent way. People like these usually tend to look for alternatives and come with sometimes weird but fantastic ideas. But in the divergent world, you must beware not to lose your motive. The idea usually comes when you think of several ways to solve a problem by bringing it away from the main idea, and this is why people sometimes can go off topic.

Here's an example of divergent thinking process in mind-map...