Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 3 - Mind-mapping Experience

~ Ideas produced by an individual, make sense & adaptable by the society, is called creative.

~ Creative isn't something happens in your mind but the thoughts that's interacted between others.

- Coleman Kaufman

~ Capital "C" in creative leave your kind of creative work that changes aspect of the culture, rather than personal satisfaction.

- Mihaly Csikzentimahly

Making up mind maps is not that easy, considering whom you're going to present to. But to me, creating a mind map that we ourselves can easily understand is not that hard. It's all about understanding the information given and write them in a short simple sentence that connect one to another. Visual mind-map are mind-maps made but imagery rather than words. But this can become complicated since some words can't be describe by one or two pictures easily.
The most important thing I learn when creating a mind-map that is meant for yourself or to present others is that your mind-map must be Hierarchy. The main topic to the littlest details of it's sub topic must connected and make the users know where to look first so we or them can understand which comes first. The other thing that I always keep in mind is try to make something that our eyes will tend to stay or want to look at it. Make sure it's not dull and attracts our attention in wanting to know and understand the mind-map more.
But alas, since there are dozens of different opinions, likes, dislikes from us humans is what makes our job in trying to amuse someone with our creativity can be annoying to do it. Sometimes we even tend to give after trying many different ways and still fail to attract the eyes of our viewers. And this is why we have to study our audience first and try to get their impression as soon as possible so that they won't be all moody to look at other stuffs we tend to or have already created. Bottom line, being creative means hard work, observing smartly, a tough heart and a lot encouragement to keep ourselves up and ready. But the most important thing is to never give up and try your best.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 2 - The creative builds?

Creativity is basically defined as a way of generating new ideas, or a way of doing something in a totally new way.

The lies behind the birth of a creative person

1) Talented people are creative. The only thing talent you require is the urge and patient when thinking or making something new

2) Being creative is hard?! It is if you give up every time something brings you down. Creative people needs to have a strong heart to attract others.

3) Problems in our life make it harder. Actually this is a way for us to create some new ideas to conquer problems that can't be solved normally. As an artist this is a way for them to scream out new ideas on a piece of paper (or on any drawable surface).

4) I'M NOT CREATIVE! If have the time to think that you're not, surely you have the time to think of something up?! Start up by copying other ideas, but don't publish'em. Study and DEVELOP it, soon you'll be making your own magic.

5) Creative means ALL new ideas, not true. there's still a lot of things that needs improvement. and as long as you can do it, no one can't say you're not creative.

6) Brainstorming is hard work. It takes up time when creating new ideas. Jot down anything that you get, whether its good or bad. and later on you can combine some of the stuff you've collected to create something fabulous. The key is to KEEP TRACK of ALL of your IDEAS.

7) Only artist needs to be creative. Trust me, if this were true, the world would be a less fascinating place to live in. Even nature was given birth in a spectacular way of showing itself, so why not us?.

8) Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative. Well don't use them 100%, sure being creative is great, but unless you want to show it to the whole world, you would need to follow some requirements so that most people (not only you) will be able to accept and understand your concept of art, how and what way it is presented.

The reason why people still search for new creative people is to enhance communication ideas and their value. To increase methods of problem solving or to solve problems are currently being stacked on one another.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week 1 - Intro

Welcome to my Creative Studies blog. This blog may be a bit plain to start with, but I'll supply with images that can help you better understand with what I'm saying. So keep up-to-date with my blog, and I'll try to not let the readers (you) down. ^_^y